Relation between Physical Parameter of a Main Microphone and Sound Quality
Nagoya University of Arts
Kazuya Nagae |
The comparison of main microphone positions in orchestra recording - on-axis or off-axis- |
An outline of comparison
To compare the on-axis or off-axis of the main microphone position in the orchestra recording.
In a session recording of Junge Norddeutsche Philharmonie at the Konzertkirche Neubrandenburg on August 6, 2012. Sergei Prokofiev Symphony No. 5 in B-flat major (Op. 100)
The main microphone Schoeps MK2S was set up at different angle and direction.
Recorded by Studer 961, Magix Sequoia 44.1kHz 24bit. In this comparison playback by 44.1kHz 320kbps mp3.
Many Omnidirectional microphone has high-frequency response elevation at 0°.
from Schoeps website
''Moderate high-frequency response elevation at 0°, which compensates high frequency losses caused by the increased diffuse field amount when used near the reverberation radius''.
In other words, It means off-axis decrease high-frequency.
I think we have to make and create three-dimensional fantastic musical sound use by one of this on-axis and off-axis affect. Please listen it.


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Kazuya Nagae, Nagoya University of Arts, Lecture School of Music
名古屋芸術大学 音楽学部 音楽文化創造学科 サウンドメディアコース 講師 長江和哉
©2013kazuyanagae |